Customer Onboarding

OCR Bank Statements


Upload user OCR documents in Vixo Link to convert financial statements into machine-readable text, enhancing the accessibility and usability of data. Get started by selecting files for upload and associating them with accounts, and track the OCR processing progress easily.

Upload User OCR

  1. Open Vixo Link and go to the Upload Document section

  2. Select the financial document from your local system

  3. Click the Upload Document button

  4. Choose or create an account for the uploaded document

  5. Click the Start OCR button for the uploaded document

  6. Monitor the upload and OCR processing progress

File Management

File Selection

To start uploading your financial documents for OCR processing in Vixo Link, navigate to the Upload Document section. Here, you'll see a drag-and-drop area labeled Upload Document where you can easily drag your files from your computer and drop them into the designated area. If you prefer, you can also select files manually by clicking the Upload Document button below the drag-and-drop area.

Vixo Link supports various file types for upload, including PDFs of bank and financial statements. Ensure your documents are in the correct format to avoid any issues during the upload process.

If you need to refresh the file list or ensure that your latest documents are displayed, you can use the Refresh button located on the right side of the screen. This button updates the document list to include any new files that you may have added or modified.

Supported File Types

You can upload PDF, DOCX, and JPEG files for processing.

Creating New Account

To create a new account for uploaded documents in Vixo Link, follow these steps:

First, navigate to the Upload User OCR section and initiate the upload process for your financial documents.

Once the documents are uploaded, a modal window titled Select or Create Account will appear. Here, you will see a dropdown menu.

In the dropdown menu, select the option Create new Account. You will then be prompted to name your new account.

Enter an appropriate name for the account that will help you identify it easily later.

After naming the account, you have two options at the bottom of the modal window: Cancel and Next. Click Next to save the new account and proceed.

If you choose to cancel at any point, click the Cancel button. This will close the modal window without saving any changes.

Monitoring OCR Progress

Vixo Link provides a clear and intuitive interface for monitoring the progress of OCR (Optical Character Recognition) processing on uploaded financial documents. To check the status and details of OCR processing, navigate to the Upload User OCR section. Here, you'll find a list of your uploaded statements with comprehensive progress tracking.

Each document in this list has multiple columns that provide vital information and actions:

  • Date: The date when the document was uploaded.

  • Statements Name: The name of the uploaded document.

  • OCR: This column has a Start OCR button to initiate the OCR processing. Once OCR begins, it changes to Do OCR and includes a loading icon.

  • Error: Indicates if any errors occurred during the upload or OCR process. If there are no errors, it shows No.

  • Actions: Icons for deleting or editing the document.

  • Upload Progress: Displays a progress bar showing the OCR processing status. When processing starts, the progress bar shows the percentage completed.

Notifications at the top right of the screen provide updates on the processing status. These notifications appear when files are uploaded, when OCR processing starts, and when it completes.

By monitoring these elements, you can easily follow the OCR progress, manage errors, and take necessary actions on your financial documents.

Stay Updated!

Notifications give you real-time updates on the status of your OCR processing. Keep an eye on them to track progress and completion.

Managing Uploaded Documents

The document preview section allows you to view and manage your uploaded financial statements easily. In this section, the uploaded documents are displayed with their respective names, thumbnail images, and additional controls for deletion.

  • Each document preview includes the document name and a thumbnail image, which gives a quick visual reference of the file.

  • An "X" icon is available on each document preview, allowing you to delete the document if needed.

  • A "Refresh" button is located on the right side of the screen to update the list of uploaded documents.

To manage multiple documents, you can use the drag-and-drop areas labeled Upload Statement and Upload Document. These areas support uploading several statements simultaneously. After uploading, you can initiate OCR processing on any document by using the Start OCR button next to each file.

Remember: You can always refresh the list of documents by clicking the Refresh button if you do not see your most recent uploads. To delete a document, simply click the "X" icon on the document preview.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is a technology that converts different types of documents, such as scanned paper documents, PDFs, or images taken by a digital camera, into editable and searchable data.

  • Vixo Link supports various file formats, including PDFs and other commonly used formats for financial statements and documents.

  • To delete an uploaded document, click on the action icon in the Actions column next to the file you want to remove, then confirm the deletion.

  • Ensure your file is in the correct format and meets size limits. Check your internet connection and try refreshing the page using the Refresh button. If problems persist, contact Vixo Link support.